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Dry Auger Boring

Auger boring utilizes an auger contained within a casing. The casing is advanced as the hole is cut, and spoil is continuously removed by the rotating auger through the length of the casing. So the auger does the job of both removing excavated material and powering the cutting head. This boring technique is also known as ”dry boring” because now water is needed to support the boring process. This method of trenchless technology is often used for boring beneath roadways, railroads, and streams or canals. Auger boring is often required by the state or railroad commission depending on the material, the size of casing and what the pipe is transporting.


Auger Boring Offers Several Unique Benefits

Auger boring was among the earliest of horizontal drilling technologies to be developed. But auger boring is still utilized widely because of the unique benefits it offers.

For operations where ground settlement is a concern – boring beneath roads, railroads, or levies, for example – auger boring is very popular. That’s because this boring technique minimizes the possibility of any surface settling over the length of the run, due to minimal over-cut and casing being installed as it is cut.

Other benefits making auger boring a popular choice includes:

  • The ability to install large diameter casing in the auger bored
  • The avoidance of generating slurry as a byproduct of the boring process
  • Facilitates installing pipes through a variety of subsurface conditions
  • Minimizes excess overcut of bore hole

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