Servicing all industries in need of horizontal boring solutions. Working Together

Oil & Gas
The petroleum industry includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transportation, and marketing of petroleum products.

The telecommunications industry delivers telephone, television, Internet, and other services to customers throughout the United States.

Includes sanitation (both sewer and refuse), electrical and water lines. Provided by municipalities and include a minimum amount of electricity, water and sanitation that is sufficient to cater for the basic needs of a household
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert Schuller
Questions & Answers
No, our team has worked in almost 20 different states across the USA and we are always expanding. While we started as a local company, it has been our goal to become a nationally known partner in the oil and gas, telecommunication, and municipal industries.
We work in any and every industry that requires directional drilling. This includes, of course, oil and gas, telecommunication, as well as any municipal work. We also have reached into the green energy sector and plan to continually expand.